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Free AI Patent Search

GPT natural language patent search:

How it works?

Write a description of your patent in a few sentences.

Select the search method, semantic search or keyword based. How do I choose?

Gain a detailed patent report generated by GPT-4

Frequently Asked Questions

Semantic search

A search that produces results, even when the retrieved patents contain none of the query terms. It is best for finding patents that may be related in meaning, and not just specific words or terms. For example:
Query: "A device for cleaning a surface".
Results: “a mop”, “a toilet paper”, “a tour bus that also cleans the road”

Keyword based search

A search that uses specific words, terms or phrases to search for patents. For example:
Query: "Cleaning device".
Results: “a cleaning device system”, “system & method of cleaning device for…”,

Yes! IPTourch is open and free for personal use.
Professional users can find additional premium features with our "IPTouch Plus" premium package.

Yes, we provide an API but not for public use.
If you are interested in using our API, please contact us at

IPTorch's AI is designed to provide highly accurate and relevant search results by understanding the semantic meaning of your description. While no system is perfect, our AI continually learns and improves to ensure the best possible accuracy.

Yes, IPTorch can assist by comparing your description with existing patents. Our report which includes "Freedom to Operate" opinions provide further insights into any possible legal risks.

Our patent database is regularly updated to include the latest patents from around the world. This ensures that you have access to the most current and comprehensive patent information available.

IPTorch allows you to search for a wide range of patents from most countries around the world, across all industries and technological fields.

Yes, users can save and export search results for further analysis and record-keeping. Our platform provides options for downloading reports and individual patent details.

User privacy is paramount at IPTorch. All search queries and user data are handled with strict confidentiality and security measures to protect your intellectual property and personal information.